Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Players in the Classroom

This clip is from Second City and shows a college classroom. I'm assuming they're younger, maybe freshmen, judging by their behavior and lack of zeal. When the teacher starts addressing the class, no one responds and just continues whatever they were previously doing (talking on their phone, chatting with friends). She does know the students by name, and they do respond once she calls on them individually. This clip is making fun of both the students and the teacher. The students take absolutely no responsibility for their learning and have no qualms about outrightly refusing to do the work. Then comes in the typical, "Oh, college life is so hard," complaints. Which there is some legitimacy to those pressures that students are undergoing. There can be a lot of hats to wear as well as family issues, but the reality is that college students (I among them) are among a small percentage of people in the world who actually get to enjoy that pleasure and privledge. The professor depicts some of the challenges that I believe women particularly have to rifle through with balancing and/or choosing to have a family and profession. The comic effect comes in with the bizaar twist at the end of the teacher spilling entirely too much personal information with her students. You could feel sorry for her if she didn't creep you out with her craziness. Watch the clip and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. thanks Kelli definitely over the top, but you're analysis was great!
